Saturday, November 1, 2014

Public Works Trust Fund Board.

Letter to Washington State Public Works Trust Fund Board.

The following letter to the Trust Fund Board lays out the errors in the Carlsborg Waste Water Facility and Financial Plan Amendment for the Carlsborg Urban Growth Area with links to the FACTUAL numbers for the Carlsborg UGA population, housing units and the actual number of commercial properties.  I invite all who read this blog to please feel free to check my facts and please read or re-read my earlier post on Clallam County Code Enforcement, Creating Paper Water and How to Misrepresent a Rural Area as Urban.

Dear Cecilia Gardener,

I have received a copy of the Carlsborg Waste water Facility Plan Amendment – DRAFT 2014.  I once again have serious and grave concerns about the financial feasibility of the Carlsborg UGA Sewer Project. It appears that the Facilities Plan and the Financial Plan are fraught with errors, ASSUMPTIONS and PROJECTIONS stated as facts.  Upon closer scrutiny it is fictional and wish fullness not reality.

To begin, the number of  potential ERU (equivalent residential units) hookups is erroneous, the math does not show the reality of the Carlsborg UGA as follows…

Their statement: Page 8-4, An estimated 484 ERUs, 78 residential and 406 commercial,
are located within the Initial Connection Area.

Reality: 2010 Census Carlsborg CDP (census designated place) , Population 995, 547 Residential Dwelling Units of which we know that 334 of them are in EXEMPT Mobile Home Parks leaving a total of 213 Residential Units for potential hookup.

Carlsborg UGA Economic Profile:  Pages 16-18 List Of  UGA Businesses.  There are 113 Businesses in the Carlsborg UGA not 406 as seen in this Financial Plan.

Additionally, allowing a waiver of hook up for those that have septic systems younger than 20 years old defeats to entire purpose of the sewer system in its initial construction phase and may lead property owners to defer hook up until the mandated time to do so. Example: If you have an approved onsite septic system installed this year 2014 you would not have to hook up to the sewer until your system is 20 years old or fails and is non-repairable.  These approved onsite septic systems cost can cost $30 - $50 thousand dollars and require regular testing and maintenance at owners expense and this plan offers no real adequate financial compensation for abandoning their own system for the sewer.

In addition to these errors I am concerned about the hookup fee waiver of $7,476.00 per ERU dropping the cost of hookup from $7,976.00 to $500.00 per ERU which includes businesses.  Concerning the “Get Connected” Loan Program” loans up to $3,000.00 at 3% interest for hookup costs of which the repayments would go to the county “General Fund” instead of being earmarked for O&M of the sewer system. “plan assumes that the repayments (about $70,000 per year) would go to the County WITHOUT being restricted to the Carlsborg system.” Pages 14-15 of the Plan Amendment Appendix H.  This $500.00 “incentive” is not a factual accounting of the real cost of hookup and abatement of the old system as this plan fails to add the footnotes from the Clallam County Public Works Department 1-Assumes sewer main on the same side of the road as the property.  2-Add $2,000.00 if County Road must be crossed. 3-Based on ESTIMATES assembled by the CCAC (Carlsborg Community Advisory Council).  This plan also does not include the REAL cost of abatement of the old system, their estimate is $750.00 in total.  Actual is much higher as pumping costs alone are $350.00 - $375.00 which does not include excavating the tank, crushing the top, backfilling the empty tank and recovering the tank. 

One must read this entire Financial Plan to discover the real monthly costs.  They state $66.00 per month, if you take advantage of the “GET CONNECTED” loan program add $30.00 per month to the cost, if you are a private well owner an additional $12.00 to the monthly cost or the cost of metering your well and paying additional water use fees.  That would make the monthly fee $107.00 per month for those on a private well if they take the “LOAN” which would create an EXTRAORDINARY financial burden on those in the Carlsborg UGA with an Estimated median household income in 2012: $26,656 (it was $28,103 in 2000) Read more:  Estimated per capita income in 2012: $16,758,  Median Average Age 60.3 years.  UNEMPLOYMENT IN 2013 9.0%

The arbitrary nature of the monthly fees of $66.00-$70.00 for those on PUD water and the increase to $78.00 minimum for those on private wells is discriminatory and appears punitive for having a private well as there is no way charge a fee to those on private wells without requiring them to spend additional money to install a meter, which is also not mentioned in the Financial Plan.

In light of these errors and other facts, I feel this plan is financially infeasible and should be withdrawn from loan approval and the entire plan scraped in favor of the LAMIRD alternative with owner financed cluster systems. The Carlsborg area should be down zoned to alleviate the burden on the water supply, aquifers and river.

Your consideration is appreciated,

Bryan Frazier

Mitigated Determination of NON-SIGNIFICANCE?

Mitigated Determination of NON-SIGNIFICANCE?

MITIGATE: (verb)
1. to lessen in force or intensity, as wrath, grief, harshness, or pain; moderate.
With whom did the county "MITIGATE", themselves, excluding public opinion?
 1. the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling a purpose.   
By whom, the county, again excluding public opinion?
1.  a prefix meaning NOT,” freely used as an English formative, usually with a simple negative force as implying mere negation or absence of something. 
1. importance; consequence:
2. meaning; import: 
3. the quality of being significant or having a meaning: 
Having no importance, consequence or meaning of significance.
Clallam County  the Board of County Commissioner (BOCC), The Department of Community Development (DCD) have determined amongst themselves that the cost of the Carlsborg Waste water Facility (sewer), the impact on the groundwater in the Carlsborg Urban Growth Area (UGA) (the aquifers, Dungeness River and streams) and the financial burden it will create on the citizens of the Carlsborg UGA to be of no consequence, importance, meaning or significance.  
The county has done so while IGNORING public input and opinion and ignoring their own county codes,development standards and our HOME RULE CHARTER.  The following is my opposition to this MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON SIGNIFICANCE sent to our Planning Manager Steve Gray.

Steve Gray, Planning Manager
Clallam County Department of Community Development
223 E. 4th Street, Suite 5
Port Angeles, WA 98362
Phone: (360) 417-2520

Dear Mr. Gray:
I am writing in opposition to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) WAC 197-11
MITIGATED DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE concerning the 2014 Carlsborg Wastewater Facilities Plan Amendment, Environmental Checklist Review, Case No. ECL 2014-00015.

Due to the Department of Community Development statement that you do not have the funding for Code Enforcement or Code Enforcement Officers, I believe that no further development should occur and no building permits should be approved until such time that the county can budget for and provide full time Code Enforcement throughout the county as required by the Home Rule Charter.

Section 4.25: Director of the Department of Community Development:
The Director of the Department of Community Development shall administer, enforce and advise the County Commissioners on all laws, except health, with respect to the environment, natural resources, and land and shoreline development, including, but not limited to, zoning, land divisions, environmental policy, building and fire codes, forest management, mining, agriculture, watershed planning, and floodplains.
(Emphasis Mine)

The Code Enforcement Officers shall take the necessary actions to correct the Code deficiencies and violations that exist in developments such as the Carlsborg Industrial Park in accordance with the Home Rule Charter and the Clallam County Codes and this should be completed prior to any further development or issuance of any building permits for the Carlsborg UGA including the Wastewater Facilities Plan (sewer system).

33.20.060 Development standards – Purpose and intent.
Development standards are established to ensure the compatibility of uses permitted within the Carlsborg UGA and to ensure the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare. All uses located within the Carlsborg UGA shall be subject to the development standards, as applicable, set forth in this section.

(2) Landscaping. Landscaping for commercial, industrial, mixed use, duplex, and multifamily developments shall comply with Chapter 33.53 CCC, Landscaping Requirements. The use of existing native and/or drought-tolerant landscape materials shall be utilized whenever possible, and may be used in lieu or in combination with existing plantings to demonstrate substantial consistency with the plant and screening standards of Chapter 33.53 CCC. The landscaping plan shall also demonstrate compliance with the following performance standards:
(a) Landscaped areas between public roads and parking shall be provided;
(b) Outside storage, garbage, recycling and maintenance facilities, and loading dock areas shall be screened from view from public roads and neighboring properties;
(c) Commercial/industrial development abutting residential areas shall include a landscape plan that describes tree/shrub species, size of plant materials, and the use of fencing, berms, or solid walls so that noise, light, and aesthetic impacts to residential properties are adequately minimized and/or mitigated.

(3) Off-Street Parking. Parking for commercial, industrial, mixed use, duplex, and multifamily developments shall comply with Chapter 33.55 CCC, Parking Standards. The parking plan shall also demonstrate compliance with the following performance standards:
(a) Duplexes and multifamily residences shall provide no less than 1.5 parking spaces per unit. Parking areas shall be located behind or under buildings where practicable; except that, attached garages shall be allowed for duplexes.
(b) The number of access points from parking areas to public streets shall be minimized or shall be shared (where possible) within a development.
(c) Parking areas shall include landscaping, fencing and/or berming substantially equivalent to the standards in Chapter 33.55 CCC when abutting existing single-family residences or residential zoning districts.
(d) Where practicable, parking for commercial developments should be located to the rear of the development site.
(e) Parking lighting shall not create off-site glare, and shall utilize “cut-off” type fixtures that ensure glare will be downward facing and/or shielded and directed away from neighboring properties.

Mr. Gray, I find the County and especially the Department of Community Development incompetent and lack the necessary skills to bring order and “balance” needed to create and maintain any community development.


Bryan Frazier

Cc: BOCC, Washington Department of Ecology, Washington Environmental Protection Agency and the Washington State Public Works Trust Fund Board.