Financial "Train Wreck" Just Around The Bend For Carlsborg Sewer Plan, Residents and Businesses.
"Would the last person to leave please flush all the toilets."
Clallam County should heed this warning and
stop their sewer plan for Carlsborg before it resembles Belfair. Pass this along to those who want to stop the Clallam County sewer folly for Carlsborg or we'll all be in DEEP DOO DOO TOO.
Just insert Carlsborg for Belfair in the following article and insert 275 for their "220 Phase 1 hookups" the "skewed calculations" are valid for Carlsborg as well since Clallam County used the same FCS Group Consultants for their financial plan.
"Who in their right mind would ever consider moving to" Carlsborg with this financial mess looming? Clallam County BOCC, DCD, Public Works and the CCAC smiling and still trying to sell it as a WONDERFUL PLAN.
MY TURN | Belfair sewer plan is a train wreck
"The Belfair Waste Water Reclamation System (Belfair sewer) has doubled in cost from $24.6 million to roughly $48 million. This is a very small sewer system with only about 220 Phase 1 hookups. There is about a 100 percent cost overrun to date, with a heavy debt service"
"with skewed calculations, the result is abnormally high hookup costs and excessively high monthly sewer rates. All structures in the Belfair Urban Growth Area are forced to hook up. Our sewer system will likely force too many businesses to immediately close, discourage new business and create more unemployment. Who in their right mind would ever consider moving to Belfair with high sewer costs?"
The rest of this MY TURN article from the Kitsap Sun should look familiar to anyone who has read previous posts in my BLOG or the Port O Call News concerning the Carlsborg Sewer Plan. Remember the ERU for Carlsborg is only 125 gallons per day. Please read on.
Mason County admits an initial hookup fee of $3,000 per unit but only good for existing businesses and homes until December 31, 2011. New structures will pay $5,000 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU) until Janurary 1, 2013, then $6,000 per ERU before Janurary 1, 2014 and $7,200 per ERU until Janurary 1, 2015. Worst of all, sewer hookups will steadily increase until 2025 when Mason County projects about $20,000 per ERU.
Mason County admits initial $96 monthly sewer rates per ERU but increasing to cover excessive cost overruns and operating costs. Sewer rates do increase over time, but our rates could soon nearly double simply because we may lose more sewer customers than gained. Whoever survives will make up the difference.
Mason County believes Belfair has a 135-gallon-per-day ERU; that calculation is applied to all sewered structures. Always remember fewer gallons per ERU means more ERUs per hookup with higher monthly sewer rates and higher hookup costs. A 10-ERU structure pays 10 x $3,000 or $30,000 to hook up now and nearly $200,000 in 2025. Monthly rates of 10 x $96 or $960 now and much more over time.
Why all the doom and gloom? Sewer shock is expected but we'll be the laughingstock of the state with an inaccurate ERU rate. Bremerton's ERU is 250 gallons per day, City of Shelton is 225, Case Inlet (Allyn) is 219 and Silverdale is 199 gallons per day. Belfair residents bathe daily, wear clean clothes and use indoor plumbing no different from Shelton or Silverdale.
As you can see, Carlsborg is no different than Belfair when it comes to this flawed sewer plan Clallam County has in store for us and the end result will be the same as it is for Belfair a financial "TRAIN WRECK". Clallam County Going for Broke.